Hawaii LUG members will be at the annual Bishop Museum’s observance of Bernice Pauahi Bishop’s birthday on December 15th, 2013 – FREE admission for kama‘āina and military. We’ll have an ornament building contest with prizes! Come down and say hi to us and to learn more about the Club as well as the local designs on display at the museum. If you can’t make it that day, remember the LEGO® show will be on display until January 5, 2014!
Roy and Ryan were on site at Hawaii‘s Bishop Museum this morning to talk about LEGO® and HILUG (Hawaii LEGO Users Group). Click on the picture to link to the first of two segments that were aired.
Some of Hawaii LEGO Users Group member’s LEGO® creations up close:
Wolf mosaic with over 20,000 pieces in the mosaic alone. The frame is also made entirely of LEGO®.

Close up views of Oahu, Hawaii’s Aloha Tower
Minature stained glass piece.
Currently, we have an installation at the Bishop Museum of Hawaii-themed LEGO® creations as part of their LEGO® Travel Adventure show. We were invited to participate in this show by the Bishop Museum and have creations depicting the Hawaii Theater, Aloha Tower, Fort deRussy Beach and a Hawaiian Quilt on display. We had a great time at the Member’s opening night event at the official opening of the exhibit. Please visit the museum through January 5, 2014 to see the show!